Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hater Proponent of the RH Bill and the C**** Crime Law

It's been more than a year now since my last entry. And it's been more than a year now that the past bill written of has been in the limelight. But now, even after all the debates, the prayers, and the controversies surrounding this bill, where does it stand? In a state of limbo.

I wonder, in the first place, why such a bill has been even drafted that way. 

I guess I'm getting ahead of myself right now. Entering law school made me change my perspective on it. It's not just all about the words in it, but the reason for it. In law, we must learn to interpret things as they are written. Reading this bill now gave me a new idea of what it is really about. I criticized it along with others giving their statements for why they want it or why they don't. I hold firm on my stance that to make such a judgment, we should first know what is written in it. However now I have a new position. I still do encourage people to make a choice on the bill based not on what mass media impressions are made on it, but based on the words written in it. Read it, I plead. It is actually the necessary means so that we can educate ourselves on what our lawmakers are really doing with all their time in congress.

As I revisit this bill again, my opinion on its passage has changed. Why? It's as simple as it's proposals are not even necessary. I know many will criticize me for making that statement, but again I ask you, read the bill. The projects and programs it proposes are good, however they are not what this country needs in order to alleviate the problems it seeks to prevent. On its face, they produce good arguments such as  "preventing poverty through preventing further population growth" and "helping mothers evade unnecessary death". Do not get me wrong I do think the healthcare programs proposed there are good. My only problem is that they already exist, and to pass this bill and implement its projects would be a mere redundancy. As Sen. Pimentel said (in his feeble attempt at early campaigning in Gandang Gabi Vice :p- sorry but it's really obvious you guys), "why not use the proposed fund we will shell out for this bill to improve the existing health programs we already have?" He's right. Why not? I want you to think about the same thing. Why not? I would like to give him an answer but it would mean violating (I think..) a law that was enacted to screen unpublished (print) words. I think you all know what this is. But then again, do you? I ask you to read it as well because it is only through reading it that we can fully criticize it and those who wrote it for what they have effected.

All this talk of the recent law and curtailing of rights has somehow gotten overblown. I do not blame users of social media for thinking so, but I also do not blame the lawmakers for enacting the law (read it so you will know what it really contains, PLEASE). My only concern about it is that, along with the RH Bill, it provides an another avenue for officials (legislative and executive) to "EARN" more from the allocated budget than properly using it. Oh, and another would be that even though they try to mask "that" intent with the intent of the words of the law, it is arguable that the crimes it wants to prevent are possible to police. One funny provision of that law though is that it handed such power literally to the police. Not to throw stones, but you just have to wonder how this will work. In addition, there are no existing rules yet on how to proceed with doing this, so how will they implement this? Those are just thoughts, based on that one provision that got everyone worked up. As for the rest of the law, the only comment I have is it seems a great feat to try and implement them. They are very ambitious and vague at the same time. And it is because of these features of the law that make them easy to circumvent. I don't want it mostly because they will just take advantage of it rather than actually implement it for the good of the public, thought they say that is their reason (plus to save the dignity of one certain Senator for his slip during their debates on the RH bill. I hope he does not attempt to plagiarize again because it's very embarrassing for all of us that a Senator does that then degrades his source).

I urge you, read the bill and the law. Make your stance know for what they are. Do not depend on the impressions others and the mass media give you as bases for your choice. Make the better choice and educate yourself. Go further than what other say and make your own say.

Reproductive Health/ Responsible Parenthood Bill

Cyber Crime Law

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